Zero System MIDI Device
Zero System with wall-mounted dual monitors
$125 MIDI control interface for Windows computers, built from a modified video game controller running custom interpreter software. Comparable systems cost upwards of $700 at the time of its creation.
Zero System + Saitek x45 Joysticks
This MIDI controller was created by modifying a controller manufactured for the game Steel Battalion to connect to windows using tailor-made software. Steel Battalion was an original xbox game where players pilot giant robots.
Zero System in use as DJ setup at Bass Drop
The system was also used in conjunction with an Akai MPD24 for live music creation and improvisation. Seen here during sound check for a live performance at Bass Drop in Providence, R.I.
Zero System in use for Radio Broadcast
Here, the Zero System was to control a live radio broadcast on FM radio station 91.5 WMFO.