Hacking Arts 2016 & Harmony Space

Augmented Reality & Harmony Space

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Hacking Arts 2016 & Harmony Space

Hacking Arts 2016 & Harmony Space

In 2016 I co-created Harmony Space, an augmented reality experience for the Microsoft Hololens, and ended up taking home first place in the Hacking Arts 2016 Hackathon. Harmony Space is a teaching tool, facilitating understanding of music by allowing users to use their eyes, ears, and sense of space to gain an intuitive understanding of how notes and chords relate to one another. 


HS Demo Brimmer

While testing the use of Harmony Space for music theory education in schools, we were pleased to find students not only remembered the locations of chords in space, but were able to teach each other how to use it with less than 5 minutes of playtime.

Harmony Space Demo Video- Hacking Arts 2016

The first testing footage of Harmony Space, taken during Hacking Arts 2016. Subsequent updates include a less annoying sound, a full mapping of the chordspace for procedural generation, and a billboard displaying the information about each chord beside it's indicator in the world. Learning to program for the hololens with Unity in less than 24 hours was challenging but fulfilling, and led to my continued involvement with BostonAR.