I am a programmer, AR/VR designer, tinkerer, musician and current Artist in Residence at Industry Lab, in Cambridge, M.A., where I will be exploring living murals, eco-graffiti, and biological/botanical street art.
I was formerly Director of Ecology for Grove, an agriculture technology company based out of Greentown Labs in Somerville.
I am also co-creator of Harmony Space, an Augmented Reality experience for the Microsoft Hololens that won the 2016 Hacking Arts Hackathon. Designed to make music education easier for everyone, Harmony Space is a synesthetic experience that allows users to explore the world of sound using their eyes, ears, and their physical bodies.
In my spare time, I enjoy breeding freshwater shrimp and hot peppers, triathlons, and building everything from bicycles to musical instruments.
If you have an interesting problem to solve or technology to explore, let's talk! I am always up for good conversation over coffee.